Friday, October 24, 2008

:: hello, i'm still here..::

time : 7.45 pm
date : oktober 24, 2008 (dh stat malas balik dh, hoho...)
place : dpn laptop
background music : iklan celcom kt tv7...


again, what have i been doing right now...

1. should be preparing for exams, as my exam start on 5th november. tapi tu la, dsebabkn fail aku ilang dlu tuh, along with all my notes, so i'm totally clueless on how to start studying. just arap2 dpt la studi ngn membe2 kt fak, n hopefully i can catch up with everything. baru tau final year ni susah, tinggal satu kelas je trus xdpt paham g dh, insaf..insaf..huhu..

2. my thesis dh nk siap 50%, yay~..haha..actually, keje aku utk this sem dh agak setel la, dgn circuit aku pun dh siap, akhirnya, alhamdulillah..n pasni kna siapkn repot, yg dh dhantar 2 kali p supervisor, n both of them kna rejek (he says aku wat repot cam aku tulis blog, hoho..). so pasni kna wat yg lebih proper la, hopefully can manage everything in time...

3. tgh nk piki balik pe yg berlaku selama nih kt aku, hoho..actually, once aku wat sumthing that is worth writing about, cam nak je tulis terus kt blog (betul, xnipu nih, hoho...). tp tu la, cam tetiba malas lak nk menaip, internet lak sot, ada keje la, trus ilang sume2 tuh..tgk la, mebi later on aku akan try to write something about mende2 yg aku dh wat b4 this (list dia yg aku ingat setakat nih : balik raya naik moto, moto pancit kt tgh highway, jln2 ngn anak sedara, p shelter house ikut program hari penyayang kolej, n a few other stuff, hoho..)

and as usual, maaf lama xwrite anything here. siap cam kdg2 rasa dh tanak tulis dh lak, once baca blog kamal, cam terharu gak la..ada gak la nma aku kt one of his post (dat celebration one, hoho..) cam kelakar gak la tgk ayat 'aku' kt post tuh, lebih kurang la cara2 aku ckp tuh..n rasa cam rugi lak nk tinggalkn alam blog again, i'll try to write often, insya allah..hoho..

until then...

spoken by…
07.57pm, oktober 24, 08

1 comment:

  1. well, i am here too!
    bese, aku pun macam tu. always thought that theres something worth writing about. and almost everytime, i did not manage to put it on paper (read=on screen).

    kalau orang kata ko wat report ala2 wat blog da kira bagus latuh.

    mine 25%. hope to increase it during the holidays! now, exam mode!
